How it Works
Coaching is a collaborative and fluid process that is tailored to an individuals’ unique needs and objectives. The program outlined below is a framework that will be adapted to suit each client.
ADHD Coaching Advantage offers online sessions via Zoom as well as in-person appointments in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.
Individual ADHD Coaching Program
The structure of this program has been designed to give clients the opportunity to practise and demonstrate sustained motivation, as well as experience the benefit and satisfaction of seeing a process through to conclusion. Paula also contacts clients between sessions to build and model accountability, and to support the between-session work that is required.
Free Initial Consultation 20 min
Complimentary meeting to discuss the client’s aims, explore the suitability of ADHD coaching, and answer any questions.
First Coaching Session 75 min
Discuss background to ADHD diagnosis, formulate specific goals and develop strategies for achieving those objectives.
Second Coaching Session 45 min
Explore executive function challenges, check on goal progress and identify any obstacles that may have arisen.
Third Coaching Session 45 min
Explore mindsets and internal narratives that may present impediments to goal achievement.
Fourth Coaching Session 45 min
Discuss individual values and strengths, and how they can be utilised to build and maintain longer term motivation.
Fifth Coaching Session 45 min
Consolidate learnings, set a focus for the future and discuss practical steps forward.
Six Month Check-in 45 min
Reflect on goal progress and explore new developments since the last session.
ADHD Family Support Sessions
Support Session 60 min
These one-off, hour long sessions are available as needed to partners and families of individuals with ADHD. Families will gain greater understanding about ADHD as it applies to their loved one, and equip themselves with practical strategies to support their family’s wellbeing, facilitate effective communication and foster a more harmonious home environment.